Additional Comments by Coalition Senators

1.1        Coalition Senators make the following additional comments on the interim report.

1.2        The Senate Select Committee on Red Tape's motivation in addressing the considerable regulatory burden of red tape on the private education sector has identified unnecessarily complex, redundant or duplicative regulation affecting the efficiency of the sector and cost to providers, ultimately borne by consumers and taxpayers.

1.3        In particular the committee found that the high regulatory environment relating to the private education sector is negatively affecting providers, students, industry and the economy, and that there are opportunities for significant red tape reduction.

1.4        In addition, the committee heard evidence the red tape burden was falling particularly hard on front-line staff in the sector including teachers, and that this was distracting them from their core responsibilities.

1.5        Noting that this is an interim report, Coalition Senators will provide additional comments on these issues once the final report has been tabled.

Senator James Paterson
Senator for Victoria

Senator Slade Brockman
Senator for Western Australia

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